The Misfit Shine: Wearable Tech for Non-Egotisticals

by BradyHeyen


Wearable technology seems to be the “next big thing.” Whether it’s activity monitors, wrist-phones, or eyeglass computers, everyone is talking about these gadgets. But if you are anything like me, you are a little hesitant to buy into this trend. Sure, wearable tech is cool, but is it worth it? Even though I consider myself an early adopter, I plan on letting others test the waters on this one.

The most glaring example of wearable tech is Google Glass. If you happen to live under a rock, Google Glass is a personal computer that you wear like glasses. It is, more or less, a smartphone that you wear and control with your voice. It’s cool, it’s convenient, but for some, it’s 1984. Hesitancy around wearable tech might stem from a fear of Big Brother and the dependency on digital help. Some would argue that we are already overdependent on our smartphones. But something just doesn’t feel right about our technology being part of our wardrobe.

There is also a fear, for me at least, of coming off as egotistical. While the purpose of wearable tech is mere functionality, the application can appear selfish. The constant desire for connection with the online world is one with which I do not wish to associate.

Another concern others might have with wearable tech is their sheer ugliness. Their unfamiliarity draws too much attention, and the design doesn’t do anything to help. Perhaps it’s an attempt at branding, but one cannot wear these gadgets without getting looks from others in the room. And more often than not, these are first looks of curiosity, followed by looks of disgust. In fact, wearers of Google Glass have earned a derogatory nickname because of the latter.

But have no fear, because I have found a wearable technology that I deem to be worthy of the non-egotistical’s attention. Meet the Shine, by Misfit Wearables.

The Shine is where function meets fashion. I think the product video speaks for itself, but for more information, visit Misfit’s website. The Shine is definitely the best wearable tech for us non-egotisticals. While I haven’t yet purchased one, the Shine is at the top of my list. If you want to decrease the time you spend staring at your phone without increasing the time people spend staring at you, go with Shine.